A Flexible Classroom Experience
is a Powerful
Student Option

Do More Self-Study
as your Enlgish Skills grow

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Welcome to Global English Campus - Accredited Academic Programs

We Deliver American Education to International Students
Online - OR - In the Classroom
With Digital Materials - OR - with Text Materials.

Responsive To Every Need

3rd Grade through 12th Grade, we help all students to achieve educational excellence. From High School, we can provide online distance university curriculum, and even placement at a solid US university.

Fully Customizable

Our classrooms are not "One Size Fits All". Students can work at their own pace, and fast track if doing so fits their needs and abilities. Through early career planning, the education track can be made more efficient too.

Study Abroad Opportunity

It is hard for International Students to study abroad. The costs are high, the arrangements are complex, and the effect on the family can be detrimental. We provide study abroad opportunities for every student as an option.

Everything in a Box

Our rigorous curriculum and careful student support makes it unnecessary, even detrimental to send students to other academies. This reduces stress on the student and on the budget.

Powerful Support

We provide local classroom teachers, online streaming webcam classes, and personal tutor support one on one with each student as needed. There is no way your child will not move ahead fast and achieve great things with that kind of redundant help.

Self Disciplined Self Study

As kids learn more English, they will have self study options available to them. This builds character and responsibility early in their personality, and can lead to more rapid advancement, early graduation, and a good work ethic throughout their lives.

The Fastest Way To Develop Academically

In the classroom - Self Study - With private tutor support



GEC and Academic Tracks

With developing digital information delivery systems, and online communication tools, new and advanced options for education have come about, that if used intelligently, can provide forward thinking and progressive parents, teachers, and students great advantages over what 300 year old brick and mortar analogue academic strategies alone can provide.

Global English Campus is dedicated to delivering education that blends the advantages of classroom learning and distance learning, combining both with more and better individual student support and care.


A New Adventure

Join Thousands of Successful Students

An International Family of Academics Elites

Academic Programs

Awesome Results

"GEC changed everything for me. Instead of wasting all that time in school, I was able to speed up and finish high school two years early. Thanks TOPS!"

Jake Richardson / Florida

"Doing the GEC program made it possible for me to spend a lot more time at home with my family, and there was no stress at all. They gave me all the support I needed, and I graduated High School with top grades!"

Eujin Kim / Seoul Korea

"I worried that when taking the GEC courses, I might not have many friends. But actually, I have better friends in this school than I had before. And I got what I think is a better education with less stress, and in less time!"

Ben Ogden / Surrey BC, Canada

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All Credits Transfer



Enrolled Students


Successful Graduates


Years of Service


Faster Graduation


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Kyungang Ro 2539 Bun Gil, Gangneung, Gangwondo, South Korea

Call at

+ (82) 010 6899 0911