How To Manage Your Academic Profile

It is important to build up a good academic record over time, but you must also be able to show it.

That's where GEC can help.

Although more is needed than a stellar GPA, it's true that you can't even talk to a good University without one. For students and parents, keeping a GEC academic profile is added motivation toward scholastic excellence.

There are two elements to a meaningful GEC academic porfile. You need stories and scores.

Tell you academic history as you create it.

Students need to be able to see their own grade history in order to measure their scholastic performance. But school is also full of great stories often forgotten and normally never told. Don't let that happen to you.

  • Keep your grade history across all years.
  • Tell about the teams you join at school.
  • Report your activity in student government.
  • Share inspiration from teachers and friends.

Short and Sweet

The goal in a profile is to give a snapshot of the best. Keep your entries short and positive. Use images and videos more than text. Your writing should be mostly headlines and bullet points.

You're On Display

Learn to smile and posture youself with confidence and poise.

You are on display.

Surround yourself with beautiful people and good friends.

Your associates matter.

Think about your post entries. Plan ahead for pictures you use.

Put your best foot forward.

Always do you best. Build your confidence and show it.

Comfortable in your skin.